Meeeee Reooow . . .
Sounded a horrible screech as an orange form lept out, clawing a biting the three thugs. And in a matter of seconds their bleeding forms lay on the floor.

For you see Alberta was a cat. A very, very, strong muscular cat.

"So what took you so long?" Mike said sarcastically. "Great and I just had this carpet shampooed," said Mike. "Let me check something," Mike said pulling out his smart phone. "The bank we used when I sold this business is on east coast coast he explained. "It's midnight there now. Yep it's posted, the money has cleared and so I really no longer own this business." He rapped the desk and said, "I will miss it but the sales money is better. Let's lock up and get down to the boat."
"I just beat up three guys and all you can do it complain about the carpet. Then you play with your cellphone like some thirteen year old." Alberta said "Meanwhile I got my beautiful fur bloody."

Mike laughed and said you just beat up one guy. Check your fur, that's not your blood. It's not even blood it's oil. "It's vegetable based and even though it ruined the carpet. It won't hurt you, so don't worry."
"I just hope the new owner doesn't complain about the dirty carpet".

"Help me drag them out and I will explain. But before we do let me take care of Emmett." Mike grabbed some duct tape and taped him up and gagged him. Mike took out a hypodermic needle and gave Emmett a shot. "There that should knock him out for at least sixteen hours.
"If he comes to he won't be able to do anything."
" Check it out they are android/robots" Mike said.
Taking out a strange looking small knife Mike cut and peeled back the skin of the large one of them. "See it's not really skin because it's not really human. Under the skin is some fake fat and under that . . .well look at the cables, gears springs and things. There are also fake arteries veins and organs. The whole body is full of the junk." He continued
"If you hit them hard enough you can knock them out for awhile. This one is out for good now." Mike said deactivating it by clicking a button concealed under it's skin.

"The Agency I worked for called them 'Robondroids'" "This one looks like me." He said when he pulled back the smaller one's hood. "They can be made to look like anyone, however things such as fingerprints are more complicated. "
Mike then deactivated it the same way. "You may have noticed my knife it's made to easily cut through their tough fake skin."
"Help me throw them in my van and I will explain it as we go."

Mike drove Emmet's car across the street. He parked it at a closed gas station.
Then he sprayed the vehicle with some (top secret) spray that removed his finger prints and DNA.
Mike walked back and he and Alberta, (as well as his "passengers") pulled out of the gate. It automatically shut behind them as they drove off.

Go To Part Three